Monday, March 2, 2020

To the source of the River Hubelj

Hubelj is a small river, a stream according to some, which flows through the Vipava Valley in Slovenia. Its source is spectacular because the water comes from openings in the Sturska mountain forming some wonderful waterfalls.

The water is considered one of the cleanest in the country and there are some natural springs that offer drinking water.

All around the area is amazing because you can walk in the woods and see the river that jumps from rock to rock creating awesome effects.
When you are there the only sound you hear is the sound of the water that fills the air.

You can of course also enjoy the view of the first flowers of spring. We saw the first violets, both violet and white, and then lots of primroses.

'Long as there's a sun that sets
Primroses will have their glory
Long as there are violets
They will have a place in story'
               (W. Wordsworth)

The place is good also for those who like working out because they can find some tools which they can use

 On the road that leads to the river spring there's the small church of St. Anthony of Padua with its white façade, moon-shaped little window and a nice bell-gable

Not far from the church there are the remains of foundries that worked from the 15th to the 19th century.  It was Emperor Ferdinand who, in 1561, gave the permission to build them in the area taking advantage of the power provided by the strength of the river and of a very rich iron ore.
The remains of the walls are covered in ivy and other vegetation and they form quite an impressive view.

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